The Talk Show American

THE TALK SHOW AMERICAN: Schiavo's remains interred in Florida

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Schiavo's remains interred in Florida

Parents lawyer blasts marker's wording, timing of notification

The cremated remains of Terri Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged woman who died after her feeding tube was removed in March, were buried Monday in a Clearwater cemetery.

The burial failed, however, to bring a close to the Schiavo saga. Instead, acrimony flared anew, with her parents complaining that they were not notified beforehand about the service.

Michael Schiavo, who said he promised his wife he would not keep her alive artificially and waged a long legal battle to remove her feeding tube, had the words "I kept my promise" inscribed on her bronze grave marker.

The marker also lists February 25, 1990 -- the day she collapsed and fell into what most doctors said was an irreversible vegetative state -- as the date Schiavo "departed this Earth."

Schiavo actually died March 31, nearly two weeks after her feeding tube was removed by court order. The marker lists that date as when Schiavo was "at peace."

David Gibbs, an attorney for the woman's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, decried the words on the marker.

"Obviously, that's a real shot and another unkind act toward a grieving mom and dad," Gibbs said.

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