The Talk Show American

THE TALK SHOW AMERICAN: New Al-Qaida Threat to Homeland, Arizona

Monday, March 13, 2006

New Al-Qaida Threat to Homeland, Arizona

A chilling new warning posted on Islamic Web sites threatens "devastating� terror operations in the U.S., and suggests the targets could be states "far away from Washington� � such as Arizona.

The message was posted by the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) on March 10 on behalf of "Rakan Ben Williams,� who calls himself an "Al-Qaida under cover soldier, USA [sic].�

According to, the Web site of the Washington, D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute, it is not clear who is behind the posting, and a previous statement from the GIMF on the Internet maintained that GIMF is not affiliated with Al-Qaida.

The new "last warning to the American People� appeared in Arabic and English.

According to a posting on, the English version declares that after the upcoming attacks, "top intellects, strategists, and analysts will be totally clueless as to how to explain what occurred.
"Let me also inform you that we are talking about two operations, not one. The scale of one of them is larger than the other but both are large and significant. However, we will start with the smaller, and temporarily put the larger on hold to see how serious the Americans are about their lives. Should you value your own life and security, accept Muslims� demands, but if you shall prefer death [over giving in to Muslims� demands].

"Then, we, by the grace of Allah, are the best in bringing it [death] to your door steps.

"Do not put your hopes on Bush and his clan, they are incapable of protecting you, and if they think they are, let them foil or stop the two upcoming operations, and punish those who are responsible for them. But if they could not identify and foil the devastating events coming your way, you must ask yourselves: How long will we continue allowing ourselves to be slaughtered with full advance knowledge of our fate?�

Here are other excerpts from the "Rakan Ben Williams� posting: "I will not give any more clues; this is enough as a wake up call. Perhaps the American people will start thinking about the magnitude of the danger that is coming their way.

"O� you helpless Americans, especially those living in States far away from Washington, D.C.! Your country is comprised of many States that should not have anything to do with Muslims. Take the State of Arizona for example; what does this State have to do with killing Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq? What interest of theirs [is] serving, helping, and siding with the Jews and Israel? ...
"Why do you bring death and destruction to your homes and lives in an apparent sacrifice for a handful of dishonest men and women? ...

"The sad thing is that the pain will not stop at the loss of your loved ones in Iraq or Afghanistan, but the pain will even be greater when death and destruction comes once more to you in your own homes, by the grace of Allah.

"The operations are ready to go, we are just waiting for orders from the commander in chief, Osama Ben Laden ...

"You will be brought to your knees, but not until you lose more loved ones and experience significant destruction ...

"This is the last warning you will receive from us.

Consequently, if you ignore it, we regret to inform you that we will carry out devastating operations against the States of America and we will not show mercy whatsoever.�

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