The Talk Show American

THE TALK SHOW AMERICAN: 08/19/2018 - 08/26/2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Moronic Kathy Griffin Dances Topless in Front of Window to Celebrate Manafort and Cohen Verdicts

Stupid ! Even her dogs are embarrassed, they can't watch, I'm surprised they don't have their paws over their eyes.

I always thought she was a moron, she just removed all doubt.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Former FEC Head Destroys Main Stream Media Claim that Trump Broke Campaign Finance Law

“When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason,” Professor Bradley Smith told Levin Tuesday.

The expenditures alleged by Cohen, Smith explained, are not violations of campaign finance law even though they “might incidentally benefit your campaign,”

“The argument seems to be, and it hasn’t changed,” Levin summed up, “is that, if I spend money to make myself look better, or to take away negative issues in my private life, my business life, my employment life and use my own money, then somehow that is a campaign contribution…which it is not.”

Read More here: Fmr head of the FEC blows up media narrative that Trump broke the law, by referring to the actual law

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Day 16 : Manafort Jury Struggling to Reach Unanimous Verdict on One Count

The Real Colluders with Russia: Democrats, Intelligence Agencies, and the Main Stream Media

Don Jr. was emailed by a British music promoter, Rob Goldstone, who promised that the Russian “crown prosecutor” had information that would “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia.” When the meeting took place, in walked two Russian nationals, Rinat Akhmetshin and Natalia Veselnitskaya, who proceeded to talk to Don Jr., Jared Kushner, and others about how Americans could once again adopt Russian children, if only the Magnitsky Act were repealed. Eyes surely rolled, and the meeting was ended. Kushner even messaged his assistant to try to come up with an excuse to leave the meeting early.

For those who belong to the religious cult of Trump-Russia collusion, this meeting is prima facie evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to rig the 2016 election. One of the sacraments of this cult is that its adherents wake up every morning and hope that on this day, just maybe, Trump will finally be done away with. CNN is of course central to this practice.

Keep in mind that during this time nobody knew that Russia had interfered in anything, aside from the regular deluge of phishing emails common to both Russian and Chinese hackers that were directed at both Democrats and Republicans.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza called the anonymously sourced report a “collusion bombshell,” and said it was maybe the “most important [event] of Donald Trump’s presidency.” One wonders how many times CNN and its employees have said similar things, only to see their hopes dashed?

The truth is that it doesn’t matter whether Trump knew of this meeting or not, or whether Mueller can ever prove that he did. Don Jr. and his associates did nothing wrong in setting up this meeting. But the events surrounding the meeting are damning for the intelligence agencies, the media, and the Democrat Party.

The Facts Behind The Trump Tower Meeting Are Incriminating, But Not For Trump

CNN Shuns Omarosa

Omarosa appears on networks trying to act like a victim but she comes off more like a conniving, manipulative control freak. So much so that even CNN shuns her !

Page Six reported Monday that CNN has either turned down an invitation to interview Omarosa or canceled on her numerous times since she began her media tour a few weeks ago.

"Don Lemon was offered one of the first cable interviews and passed," a source told CNN.

Omarosa was scheduled to sit down with Jake Tapper for an interview Sunday, but the network eventually cut her from the show's guest lineup.

"They only wanted to book guests with nothing positive to say about her," another source told CNN. "They were specifically looking for people who would provide a more negative slant when discussing Omarosa."

Omarosa's book is called "Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House" and documents her time working in the White House in Trump's communications department.

Report: CNN Shuns Omarosa as She Peddles Book

Obama Revoked Security Clearances in 2013 at the Request of James Clapper

In 2013 Obama Scrubbed Security Clearances at the behest of then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper ! Whoops looks like the "unprecdented move" is not so "Unprecedented"

W.H. looks to scrub clearance list