The Talk Show American

THE TALK SHOW AMERICAN: Daily Beast So Called "Reporters" Out Mar-a-Lago Pastry Chef as "Q" Believer and Supporter

Monday, February 25, 2019

Daily Beast So Called "Reporters" Out Mar-a-Lago Pastry Chef as "Q" Believer and Supporter

Daily Beast reporters'(cough, cough), Will Sommer and Zach Everson, recently published a story about a pastry chef employed by Mar-a-Largo who reportedly follows QAnon or "Q" for short, on the internet and sometimes makes pastries with the “Q” symbol on them. GASP !

Not only did they "report" on the pastry chef's audacity to believe in "Q" but they posted her full name and Instagram account information so she could be harassed. Certainly everyone should be warned about this pastry chef, a private citizen, who happens to work at President Trump's Mar-a-Largo resort and believes in "Q" as a dangerous conspiracy theorist.

Such tenacious reporting, warning the public of this menacing Pastry Chef, who dares to believe in something the main stream news media loathes, is Pulitzer material for sure.

They spend much of their energy during this epic breaking news story on back slapping each other on who deserves the credit for this outstanding journalistic piece.

At least one of these so called "journalists" job is to out "Right Wingers" who appear at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C..

We should not be surprised at all, this is what passes for hard hitting journalism today, any story that they can use to try and demean the President and anyone who supports him.

Folks, it's pure and simple, whether or not "Q" actually exists, THE MOVEMENT DOES and it scares the HE double hockey sticks out of the main stream news media because they cannot control the narrative of "Q's" followers like they do their leftist minions. Most of the main stream news media is "fake news" so while "Q" may or may not personally exist one thing is for sure, many of the news stories published out there daily by the "get Trump", anti-Trump, fake news media do not exist.

So who are the "Real" conspiracy theorists ? The Main Stream News Media.


Read More Here: Big League Politics